Current Issue

ІSSN 2077-804X (Print); 2410-373X (Online)
PROBLEMATICS: Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Translation Science
PUBLISHER: Sumy State University
Full Issue
Dear authors!
We invite you to PUBLICATION in scientific journal “Philological Treatises”!
The journal “Philological Treatises” is a peer-reviewed professional publication in the field of philological sciences, which practices a policy of open access to scientific publications, supporting the principles of free dissemination of scientific information and global exchange of knowledge for the sake of general social progress.
In its activities, the journal “Philological Treatises” relies on recommendations on publication ethics and editorial policy developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the European Association of Scholarly Editors (EASE).
The journal provides free and unrestricted access to its content. Articles are published under a Creative Commons license. Full versions of the journal articles are freely available and can be found online, read, downloaded, copied, distributed, remixed, adapted, and created in any medium or format for non-commercial purposes only and only with the author's permission.
Review, research and methodological articles, reviews and reports that correspond to the topic of the journal and contain original and substantiated results of experimental or theoretical research are accepted for consideration.
The journal publishes original articles on the problems of Ukrainian and foreign philology and translation studies, in which the author's new concept is comprehensively argued. The editorial board of “Philological Treatises” forms editorial policy independently of any influences, in particular, political, religious, administrative, financial, etc.
The journal is published in compliance with the principles of academic integrity, impartiality with regard to issues of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, nationality or political beliefs, on the basis of equal opportunities and respect for diversity. The decisions of the editorial board are made in a thoughtful, objective and impartial manner and are based solely on a professional assessment of the quality of the materials submitted for consideration.
The thematic focus of the journal “Philological Treatises” determines its main goal - the publication of materials on scientific achievements in the field of philological sciences.
The target audience of the journal: scientists, scientific and pedagogical workers, doctoral candidates, postgraduate students, students and other persons interested in the development of modern philological science.
Year of establishment: 2009
Founder: Sumy State University.
Publisher: Sumy State University.
Identifier in the Register of Media Entities: R30-02716 (Decision No. 184 of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting, Protocol No. 3 dated January 25, 2024)
Expertise: the publication is included in the List of scientific and specialized publications of Ukraine in philological sciences and assigned category "B" (approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 409 of 03.17.2020)
Frequency: 2 times a year (articles are accepted for consideration: No. 1 – until April 30; No. 2 – until October 31)
Publication languages: Ukrainian, English, Polish, French, German
The journal is referenced by the international scientometric database Index Copernicus.
The editorial board of the journal strives for the widest possible popularization of the work of its authors. All articles are assigned a unique digital identifier DOI. For long-term storage in open access, metadata or full-text published articles are transferred to electronic libraries, repositories and open access catalogs, the range of which is constantly expanding.
The journal is placed in repositories and search engines:
- Institutional repository of Sumy State University
- National Library of Ukraine named after V. I. Vernadskyi
- Google Scholar
- Open Academic Journals Index
Editorial address: Sumy State University, 116 Kharkivska Street, Sumy, 40007.
E-mail address of the editorial office:
Editor-in-chief: Iryna Rudolfivna Zhilenko
Phone: +380 50 132 7537
Responsible secretary: Olena Evgenivna Bondarenko
Phone: +380 50 505 1804
Technical secretary: Olena Anatoliivna Ishchenko
Phone: +380 50 160 0856