

Design thinking principles, ESP, Legal English, divergent thinking, convergent thinking, lateral thinking, prototyping.


This paper investigates the integration of design thinking principles into modern Legal English education to enhance critical thinking, creativity, analytical skills, and digital literacy among law students. Drawing on theoretical frameworks and practical examples, this study highlights the significance of design thinking in reshaping philological education, focusing on strategies for curriculum integration and the associated benefits for both students and educators. Design thinking, a user-centered and iterative process celebrated for fostering innovation, is positioned as a transformative approach to addressing the evolving needs of Legal English education. The paper explores how the phases of empathizing with learners, defining educational challenges, ideating creative solutions, prototyping instructional strategies, and testing these methods in real-world educational settings can be employed to create engaging, adaptive, and effective learning experiences. By presenting case studies and practical applications, this research demonstrates how design thinking enhances language proficiency, critical reasoning, and legal competencies in Legal English curricula. The findings underscore the potential of design thinking to align Legal English education with the demands of the digital age, fostering interaction, adaptability, and professional readiness. Furthermore, this study advocates for a systematic adoption of design thinking to bridge traditional teaching methodologies and innovative pedagogical practices.


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How to Cite

Danylchenko-Cherniak, O. (2024). APPLYING DISIGN THINKING PRINCIPLES TO MODERN LEGAL ENGLISH EDUCATION. Philological Treatises, 16(2), 32–50. Retrieved from