Requirements for publication
The following information must be submitted before the main text of the article:
- the title of the article (the title should reflect the problem under investigation);
- surname, first name, patronymic of the author (authors) in full, scientific degree, rank, position, place of work (address, index, name of the institution, settlement, country),
- ORCID ID (site –;
- email address;
- abstract (1500-2000 printed characters with spaces, briefly indicate the goals, main results and main conclusions of the study);
- keywords (5-10 words).
It is necessary to duplicate all the above information in two languages: Ukrainian (or the original language of the article) and English.
The main text of the article should be from 20,000 to 30,000 characters with spaces and should contain logically related parts:
- Introduction (the relevance of the scientific problem and the purpose of the research, 2000-3000 characters with spaces)
- Research materials and methods (a detailed description of the material and methods of the research, 3000-4000 characters with spaces).
- Discussion (historiography of the problem, 2000-3000 characters with spaces).
- The results of the research (the course of the research is described, its main results are presented with an indication of what is new that the author proposes to solve the specified problem).
- Conclusions and prospects (a logical presentation of the final results in relation to the purpose and specific tasks specified in the introduction is provided, up to 2000 characters with spaces).
- Appendices and Tables (if there are Appendices and Tables, they must have titles and serial numbers; notes should be placed directly under the tables)
- List of used sources (in the original language).
Preparation of the list of used sources
The list should contain at least 15 items, references to literature or sources used in the study. Arranged alphabetically. The works of one author are arranged in chronological order. If several works were published in the same year, then letter marks are added. For example: (Humanenko, 2011a), (Humanenko, 2011b).
Citations and references should follow APA 6 standards.
Articles should be sent electronically to: E-mail: or use the mechanism of electronic submission (it is necessary to duplicate the publication by mail).
The final decision on publication is made by the editorial board of the journal. Articles rejected by the editorial board are returned to the authors for revision.
Address of the editorial office: Ukraine, 40007, Sumy, st. Kharkivska, 116, Sumy State University, editorial office of the magazine "Philological Treatises".
The manuscript must be typed in the MS Word text editor of the MS Office package of any version.
The text of the article must be prepared in the Word text editor on A4 sheets.
Margins: top - 25 mm, bottom - 52 mm, left and right - 40 mm each, spacing - single, first line of the paragraph - indent 1,5 mm.
Words are printed without hyphens.
The font is Times New Roman, No. 10.
All non-text objects are created by Word's built-in tools.
Illustrations may be placed in the article, submitted as files in TIFF, JPG, PCX format or on separate sheets.