Publication Ethics
Publication Ethics
Editorial Policy Ethics
Ethical Principles in the Editorial Activity
The editorial policy is based on the contemporary legal requirements to the copyright, legitimacy, plagiarism, and slander, stated in the Ukrainian legislation, as well as on the ethical principles, supported by the community of the leading publishers of the scientific periodicals.
The editorial staff decides whether to publish the submitted articles. Its decision is made by engaging the highly qualified specialists in the role of peer reviewers and cooperating with appropriate scientific communities in the role of collective experts.
The publication decision is based on the trustworthiness, scientific importance, and relevance of the article.
The intellectual content of the manuscripts is evaluated regardless of race, sex, religious views, origin, nationality, social status, and political preferences of the authors.
Ethical Principles in the Peer Reviewers’ Activity
The editorial staff considers reviewing as the most crucial part in the scientific information exchange and requires from the reviewers to adhere to confidentiality, objectiveness, impartiality, clearness, reasoned opinion, and the principle of the primary source recognition:
- a peer reviewer should not agree to perform a review in case his or her qualification and speciality do not correspond to the subject area of the article;
- a peer reviewer should not use any part of the reviewed materials for his or her research without the author’s permission;
- a peer reviewer should be free of any conflict of interests, professional or personal relations with the author or editor, which can influence his or her attitude to the article;
- a peer reviewer should avoid the influence of the manuscript origin, nationality, religious affiliation, political or other views of the authors, or commercial considerations on his or her review;
- a peer reviewer should make a review of the submitted materials independently, objectively, and covertly; it is inadmissible to criticize the author's personal qualities;
- a peer reviewer should provide constructive, comprehensive, and careful evaluation of the article quality and the rate of its scientific, literary, and ethical standards compliance;
- a peer reviewer should inform the editor about the articles containing plagiarism or unfair citing immediately and provide this accusation with the corresponding references.
The editorial board, upon the proposal of the editor-in-chief, may decide to withdraw (retract) an article after its publication. The procedure for retraction of an article posted on the journal’s website is determined by the editorial board. The grounds for retraction of an article may be:
- academic plagiarism and/or incorrect references and their careless design discovered after publication;
- duplication of a published article in several editions;
- detection in the article of facts of falsification and fabrication of research results;
- detection in the work of critical errors, shortcomings, etc., in particular in the methodology of conducting research, the methodology of processing research results and in their interpretation, etc.;
- manipulation of authorship, namely, the inclusion in the authorship team of persons who, based on their scientific contribution, cannot be considered authors, or the absence of persons who, based on their scientific contribution, should be considered authors of the article;
- concealing from the editorial board and reviewers a conflict of interest that became known during the preparation of the article;
- republishing the article without the consent of the author team.
Supporting Inclusivity
The journal's editorial board operates according to the principles of equity, diversity, anti-discrimination, and inclusion (EDI).
Basic principles that authors must adhere to
The editorial board of the journal approves the use of artificial intelligence provided that it is used at the initial stage of work:
- in the selection of relevant literature,
- in identifying trends and identifying new scientific discoveries,
- in assessing the quality and reliability of scientific information,
- in identifying potential problems or distortions,
- in identifying grammatical and stylistic errors,
- in editing and improving the quality of scientific texts.
Authors must clearly indicate which AI tools were used and at what stage.
The editorial board assumes the responsibility of handling ethics principles violation by any participant in the publishing process.
The author is responsible for the accuracy and reliability of the information.