General information

The journal “Philological Treatises” is a peer-reviewed edition, supporting the policy of open access to scientific publications.

The journal publishes original articles on the issues of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Translation Science, containing comprehensive grounding of new author conceptions.

Year of establishment: 2009

Short / transliterated title of the journal: Філол. трактати (Ukrainian), Philological Treatises (English)

Range of issues: Issues of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Translation Science

Identifier in the Register of Media Entities: R30-02716 (Decision No. 184 of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting, Protocol No. 3 dated January 25, 2024)

ISSN 2077-804X (Print); 2410-373X (Online)

Speciality: The publication is included to the List of the scientific special editions of Ukraine in Philology, category "B" (the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 409 of 17 March 2020)

Frequency: Twice a year

Schedule of journal issues (№ 1 – June; № 2 – December)

Languages: Ukrainian, English, Polish, French, German

Founder: Sumy State University

Publisher: Sumy State University

Journal reviewing: The manuscripts, submitted to the editorial board, are reviewed according to the procedure “Anonymous Double-Blind Peer Review”, whereafter the authors receive reviewers’ comments and decision of the editorial board: publication, revision, denial.