Business English, business сommunication, Lingua Franca, lecturer, methods of teaching, business education, professional activity, students.Abstract
The article discusses the peculiarities of teaching the «Business English» course and the approaches of Ukrainian and Western researchers in their exploration. It is established that the discipline of Business English is a unity of three components: teaching, the English language itself, and awareness of terminology and professional features of business communities. It is clarified that modern teaching methods include creating an atmosphere in which students feel comfortable and relaxed, stimulating their interests and creative abilities, and activating their skills to analyze various situations during the learning process of the English language. Studying «Business English» as an academic discipline includes a comprehensive process that encompasses not only language skills but also the development of abilities required for conducting business at an international level. Students must master the specific vocabulary of international business communication, understand the cultural and professional features of business communities, and acquire the skills to write business letters, conduct negotiations, participate in conferences, work with financial documents, and prepare reports. It is essential to apply the language in various business situations, such as contract negotiations or cooperation with international partners, as well as to communicate effectively with representatives from different cultures while maintaining business etiquette and resolving intercultural challenges. Active learning methods used in the study of Business English are characterized by promoting cognitive activity among students. They are based on dialogue, meaning a free exchange of ideas regarding the possible solutions to tasks and situations, and they are marked by a high level of engagement from learners. The article emphasizes the challenges and difficulties faced by lecturers and teachers in the process of teaching foreign languages. It also discusses the importance of integrating innovative approaches and technologies into the learning process to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and the development of students' communicative skills in the business field.References
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