

Eco-economical discourse, linguosynergetics, metaphors, principle of triplicity.


The article presents a linguosynergetic perspective on metaphors in ecological-economical discourse. This study highlights the relevance of applying multidisciplinary approaches to understand the synergistic nature of metaphorical language creation, as it makes it possible for us to understand the way language evolves and adapts, develop a holistic vision of intricate processes within the language system that is considered a hierarchical self-organizing system. The research contributes to understanding eco-economical discourse as an entity that functions as a microstructure within the global discourse system and acts as a macrostructure for units within it. The study elucidates the relationship between three aspects (ecological, economic and social) within eco-economical discourse. The study also delves into the intricacies of the metaphorical language creation process through the prism of the principle of triplicity that makes it possible to analyze the “substance,” “information,” and “energy” components of metaphors within eco-economical discourse. The findings of the research paper show that metaphors are verbalized means of influence due to the “energy” component, wherein metaphorical models of various lexico-semantic orientations (anthropomorphic, socio-morphic, nature-morphic and artifact-morphic) are used in eco-economical discourse to bring environmental problems to the foreground, grab the attention of the target audience and raise awareness. Overall, the research paper offers linguosynergetic perspective on the process of creating metaphors and eco-economical discourse as well.


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How to Cite

Stetsenko, O. (2024). LINGUOSYNERGETIC PERSPECTIVE ON METAPHORS IN MASS MEDIA ECO-ECONOMICAL DISCOURSE. Philological Treatises, 16(2), 150–159. Retrieved from