

Fiction, literary translation, translation process, linguistic phenomena, linguistic approach, literary approach, contrastive translation.


The research is devoted to substantiating the problem of conveying the individual originality of authentic works into another language as one of the most important issues of literary translation. The author analyzes the origin and development of translation thought and theoretical requirements for Ukrainian translators. The publication shows that throughout the centuries-long history of translation, attempts have been made to theoretically understand and explain the activities of translators, formulate criteria for assessing the quality of translations, and identify factors that influence the course and outcome of the translation process. The author determines that the study of translation from the literary point of view implies the need to consider linguistic phenomena and analyze and evaluate the language means used by translators. The role of translation of fiction of a particular country, reinterpretation or misrepresentation of the original work in translation is also associated with using certain linguistic means. The study of translation itself is impossible without studying its linguistic nature. In a literary work of art, all components of the form, from composition to rhythm and intonation, are aesthetically significant and serve to express the artistic content. The author substantiates the thesis that when translating a literary text, the process of communication (author - translator - recipient) also includes such components as comprehension of the inner, deep, mysterious and hidden meaning signaled by the psychotype of an individual author which is also marked by the national features of the community he represents in his work. It should be noted that within the theory of literary translation there are two main approaches to considering translation problems: linguistic and literary studies. Considerable attention is paid to contrastive translation, application of the principles of anthropocentrism, adaptability and variability.


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How to Cite

Tyshakova , L. (2024). LITERARY APPROACH TO THE THEORY OF ARTISTIC TRANSLATION. Philological Treatises, 16(2), 195–202. Retrieved from