Kalantaievska H., Dedova A. S. Devastating Effects of Alienation of the Individual from Moral Values in A. Dimarov’s Novel “Idol”





Key words: alienation, priorities, moral crimes, relative beliefs


The article is devoted to finding out the consequences of the destructive exclusion of a person from the categories of spirituality and morals, ethical norms and own family as a result of the priorities of indifference , egocentrism, material well-being, psychic invulnerability, ruthlessness, which are artistically presented in the novel by A. Dimarov “Idol”.

From the clear reasons today, avoiding the mention of the social atmosphere of fear and zombizing of the consciousness of people by the communist ideology of hatred of the enemies of the people A. Dimarov described the tragedy of torn away from a kind of personality , which had not been implanted Christian ethics.

The article traces the author’s noticed process of unpunished committing moral crimes, the devastating effect of blind self-sacrifice of the mother on the formation in her daughter of a relational  worldview, contempt for people, treachery, selfishness and ability to manipulate.

Attention is drawn to the correlation and interdependence of the patterns of behavior of the novel's heroines  which are not capable of understanding , repentence , true love and compassion.



How to Cite

Kalantaievska H. P., & Dedova A. S. (2020). Kalantaievska H., Dedova A. S. Devastating Effects of Alienation of the Individual from Moral Values in A. Dimarov’s Novel “Idol”. Philological Treatises, 11(2), 89–98. https://doi.org/10.21272/Ftrk.2019.11(2)-10