Nazarenko O., Ivanenko O., Vitchenko V. Сommunicative orientation of proper names in Еnglish fairy tale discourse


  • Nazarenko O. Sumy State University
  • Ivanenko O. FERRO Wärmertechnik
  • Vitchenko V. Sumy State University


onomastics, proper names, fairy tale discourse, communication, author, recipient, nomination.


The article deals with communicative role of onomastics in English fairy tale discourse. The most
important function of onomastics in fiction discourse is nominating people, animals, items, locations
and events. Proper names are carriers of communicative information and serve as means of releasing
the content of the text. They give the recipient information about the temper, social status of the
character and its position in society. The article offers classifications of proper names according to
the object of nomination. Proper names have cognitive, communicative and semantic yield, they are
headlines for extensional amount of information and provide its keeping and usage. Proper names
are essential in fairy genre and perform the function of time-and-place markers. Onomastics in fairy
tale discourse creates the background that makes the reader believe the reality of actions and
characters. Proper names give the recipient an impression of authenticity of fiction world.



How to Cite

Nazarenko O., Ivanenko O., & Vitchenko V. (2020). Nazarenko O., Ivanenko O., Vitchenko V. Сommunicative orientation of proper names in Еnglish fairy tale discourse. Philological Treatises, 8(3), 40–43. Retrieved from