Prokopenko N. The small text forms of humoristic discourse


  • Prokopenko N. Sumy State University


humoristic discourse, genre, comic, context, mini-text, text.


The article is devoted to the small text forms of humoristic discourse. On the background of small volume
text’s view (O.I. Klimkina), aphorisms (I.K. Kobyakova), mini-texts of printing and Internet-sources (K.S.
Lomonosova), proverbs (O.V. Soboleva), small Ukrainian prose (O.O. Fedosiy), riddles (S.O. Shvachko) it is
making an attempt to determine, for the first time, typological, genre, linguostylistic features of small texts which
are caused by comic’s nature.
Humor, which is connect with national temper, phycology of the people and mental features by nature, usually
realizes in specific short text forms that gives an opportunity in compressed aspect with a help of some linguisticstylistic remedies, create a picturesque discourse, designed for humorous response.
Learning of common concepts, such as expression, emotionality, evaluation and others connotative
components gives an opportunity in further to determine different displays of humoristic discourse as a text with
appropriate intension to provoke the recipient for some reaction.
As any speech act, which provide the intension of author, humoristic discourse is a sociolinguistic, interactive
unit, so for organization of such a text we need clear arrangement using those speech features, which are
sufficient to texts of humoristic direction.



How to Cite

Prokopenko N. (2020). Prokopenko N. The small text forms of humoristic discourse. Philological Treatises, 8(1), 54–61. Retrieved from