O. V. Popova, Nino Aroshidze, O. S. Stovpak. Bible and vulgar words translation in pre-election discourse of the USA





author’s intention, bible word, communicative situation, context equivalent, pre-election discourse, translation transformation, vulgar word.


Due to powerful democratization and globalization of the modern society the pre-election discourse gets its popularity and circulation. Within the linguistic research there are different facets of the pre-election discourse. The given article is devoted to the study of lexical charge of the pre-election discourse of the USA, and directly to the usage of bible and vulgar words in it. These two lexis-semantic groups are polar opposite according to their meaning and connotative charge. Thus, they pursue absolutely different illocutive objectives, bringing to distinctive perlocutive effect.
The usage of bible and vulgar words in pre-election discourse of the USA deserves special attention, as on the one hand, the popularity of politics in general and pre-election agitations especially leads to popularization of lexis-grammatical material used by the addresser in the given language surrounding. On the other hand, the very political power of the USA at the international level results in popularization of the things said by American politicians beyond the country. So there is necessity to translate everything, to find lexis-semantic equivalents in the target language. Bible and vulgar words translation, the usage of needed translation transformations, which are to make an adequate translation, all together present the subject of the research. The article is written within the research topic «Mechanisms of Civil Society Influence upon Euro-Integration Processes in Ukraine» №15.01.10-02.16/18.ЗП.



How to Cite

O. V. Popova, Nino Aroshidze, & O. S. Stovpak. (2020). O. V. Popova, Nino Aroshidze, O. S. Stovpak. Bible and vulgar words translation in pre-election discourse of the USA. Philological Treatises, 10(1), 73–80. https://doi.org/10.21272/https://doi.org/10.21272/ Ftrk.2018.10(1)-10