Zhylenko І. R., Gavrys D. Images and symbols in M. P. Artsybashev’s novel "Sanіn"


  • Zhylenko І. R. Sumy State University
  • Gavrys D. Sumy State University


an image, a symbol, culture.


Points of symbolism of the novel by Mykhail Artsybashev “Sanin” are presented in this article. In comparison
with the cultures of different countries the attention is drawn to such symbols as the sun, a garden, animals, birds,
insects etc. The image of Vladimir Sanin, the main character of the novel is considered separately.



How to Cite

Zhylenko І. R., & Gavrys D. (2020). Zhylenko І. R., Gavrys D. Images and symbols in M. P. Artsybashev’s novel "Sanіn". Philological Treatises, 5(3), 84–89. Retrieved from https://tractatus.sumdu.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/479