Ushchapovska I. V. Ethnocultural marking of non-verbal codes of space and time


  • Ushchapovska I. V. Sumy State University


cross-cultural communication, non-verbal communication, idioethnicity, non-verbal codes of space and time, verbalization.


Contemporary processes of globalization, migration and development of international contacts urge the
necessity of cross-cultural competence formation in communication with the representatives of different lingocultural societies. Much attention should be paid to the study of non-verbal means of communication as idioethnic
elements of communicative process.
The aim of the paper is to outline the peculiarities of proxemics and chronemics as non-verbal codes of space
and time, and to state the main national-and-cultural features of their transfer and perception.
The paper deals mostly with proxemics and chronemics as ethnically oriented non-verbal codes of crosscultural communication. Some specific features of these two means of non-verbal communication across cultures
have been analyzed. Proxemics and chronemics have been stated to be acquired ethnically oriented implicit
paralinguistic non-verbal means of cross-cultural communication.



How to Cite

Ushchapovska I. V. (2020). Ushchapovska I. V. Ethnocultural marking of non-verbal codes of space and time. Philological Treatises, 8(2), 160–165. Retrieved from