innate inclinations, emotional intelligence, emotional receptivity, emotional competence, mental life.Abstract
The article considers the development of the emotional sphere of midshipmen of military higher educational institutions at the English classes. The level of the emotional life of parents, hemispheric type of thinking, hereditary traits, temperament properties, features of information processing - are important factors in the development of emotional life. Innate capabilities largely determine the emotional sphere of a person's mental life. Their role in human life is obvious. Based on the analysis, we can conclude that the study of the emotional life of university youth is an important factor in the adaptation, and optimization of the educational process and at the English classes. Despite the importance and diversity of research, some aspects of the study of emotional life, and human intelligence remain relevant and hypothetical. In our opinion, the characterization of the heuristic potential of emotional intelligence, categorization, and differentiation of concepts, emotional culture in the conceptual field of emotional intelligence opens the way for further justification of the problem. The study of the emotional states of young people, their intellect is connected both with the complexity of issues in the conceptual range of this problem and with the need for further applied research.References
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