Concept «Destiny»: Features of Representation in Polish Lingvoculture




concept, lingvoculture, Polish language, lexical representation, conceptual metaphor.


Concept «los» («destiny») as a key in the Polish culture has many lexical representation. «Destiny» in Polish is the life, the existence of someone or something; future, sequence of events; the supreme regulatory beginning. Destiny is thought of as contradictory, ambivalent beginning. It is able to help or hinder. Carriers of the Polish language are ambivalent in their relation to the destiny. Presence of the destiny may either be approved or denied. Poles have different views on the nature of destiny. On the one hand, destiny is presented as unchangeable and predefined from above. On the other, there is a view that it is created during the life (existence), and, for example, a person can have a significant influence on it. Metaphorically in Polish destiny is represented by the signs of person, connecting or disconnecting, gracious or formidable beginning.

Introduction. The relevance of the study is due to the increased attention of scientists to culturally significant concepts as components of the conceptual picture of the world. Despite the fact that the concept of destiny has been reflected in detail on the material of different languages ​​of the world, in linguistics there are many problems regarding the linguistic interpretation of this culturological phenomenon, including its multilevel structure.

The aim of the research is to clarify the linguistic features of the concept of destiny in Polish linguistic culture.




How to Cite

Lutsenko, V. ., & Lutsenko, O. . (2020). Concept «Destiny»: Features of Representation in Polish Lingvoculture. Philological Treatises, 12(2), 58–67.