Anokhina Tetiana. The corpus-based lacunicon within the lexicographic study




корпусний лакунікон, лексикографія, метазнаки, absence, lack, denial, nothing, negation., the corpus-based lacunicon, lexicography, absence, lack, denial, nothing, negation


The corpus-based lacunicon makes the subject of this investigation. The corpus-based lacunicon has been studied within the sphere of lexicography. The working method is ontognoseological. The actuality of this article is verified by its topicality in terms of the modern syncretic study, in the modi of language, speech and cognition. The aim of the article consists in two objectives: to consider the mechanics of categorization and conceptualization. The basic terms embrace absence, lack, denial, nothing, negation. These words are being dealt with in the dictionaries of American-English and British–English variants. The dimensional measurement is at its best herein. The dominant core lemma would be the head word lacuna which is to welcome the realm of lacunarity – the corpus based lacunicon. Perspective vistas are being mentioned as the corpus-based lacunicon creation.



How to Cite

Anokhina Tetiana. (2020). Anokhina Tetiana. The corpus-based lacunicon within the lexicographic study . Philological Treatises, 10(2), 7–12.