Hotsa N. M. The problem of the notion “style” of a novel genre definition and methods of its analysis


  • Hotsa N. M. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv


genre, individual style, functional style, novel, intertextuality, linguistic peculiarities, stylistic unity.


The article deals with basic aspects of genre of a novel. Attention is paid to the problem of its style definition and difficulties which may occur during its linguistic- stylistic analysis. It is proved that a complete analysis of this genre is possible only while using all linguistic and literary peculiarities. It is ascertained that an absolute understanding of a novel can be carried into practice when it is examined as a unity of all its components.



How to Cite

Hotsa N. M. (2020). Hotsa N. M. The problem of the notion “style” of a novel genre definition and methods of its analysis . Philological Treatises, 1(3-4), 32–42. Retrieved from