Rebenko M. Y. Pragmatic translation deformation peculiarities at the text modality category level in Ukrainian and Russian target texts


  • Rebenko M. Y. Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko


pragmatic translation deformation, fragmentary pragmatically modal field, functional semantic units of split-level linguistic items, expressive stylistic devices, pragmatic deformation feature.


Analyzed are peculiarities of pragmatic translation deformation phenomenon at the level of fragmentary
pragmatically modal fields and their characteristics in target texts. Substantiated is dependence of translation
deformation degree on objective text items and their subjective target equivalents correlation level.



How to Cite

Rebenko M. Y. (2020). Rebenko M. Y. Pragmatic translation deformation peculiarities at the text modality category level in Ukrainian and Russian target texts. Philological Treatises, 3(1), 85–93. Retrieved from