Paziuk R. Bogdan Lepky’s versification first period of creativity (90-th years of ХІХ century)
B. Lepky, poetry, versification, metrics, rhythmics, rhyming, stanza.Abstract
The article deals with B. Lepky’s poetry 1890-1899 years in terms of metrics, rhythmics, strophe and rhyming.
During this decade, poet used two systems of versification: syllabic (11,5 %) and syllabо-tonic (85,5 %). The vast
majority of syllabо-tonic poems concluded by iambics and chorea (82,4 %). On strophic level mainly used such
stanzas: quatrains, five-line stanza and sonnet. Only two verses has astrophic structure. In poems of this period
notably dominated exact rhyme.