Kushlyk O. P. Realization of word-building capability of motivated by adjectives causative (circumfixal) verbs of perception in Ukrainian language


  • Kushlyk O. P. Drohobych Ivan Franko State Teacher Training University


word-building paradigm, word-building zone, word-building meaning, word-building formant, motivated by adjective causative verb, structural-semantic type.


This article analyzes word-building capability of motivated by adjectives circumfixal verbs with the following
word-building meaning «to assign the signs which can be perceived by sense organs» in the Ukrainian language,
namely: traces possession of derivatives to the three word-building zones – substantive, verbal, adjectival and
finds out the extent of filling in each of them; determines the set of word-building means which explicit wordbuilding meaning within each zone; describes possibility of transition of certain deverbatives into another
structural-semantic type, in particular, inchoative verbs



How to Cite

Kushlyk O. P. (2020). Kushlyk O. P. Realization of word-building capability of motivated by adjectives causative (circumfixal) verbs of perception in Ukrainian language. Philological Treatises, 5(2), 69–74. Retrieved from https://tractatus.sumdu.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/491