Yehorova О. I., Zinchenko A. V. Linguopragmatic quantitative actualization in the texts of political discourse (based on the inaugural adresses by B. Оbama)


  • Yehorova О. I. Sumy State University
  • Zinchenko A. V. Sumy State University


political discourse, inaugural address, quantitative unit, semantics, pragmatic potential, communicative effect.


The article follows the already traditional for Sumy school headed by academician Shvachko S. O. set of
scientific works devoted to the problems of system-functional being of quantitative units in the English language.
Based on the texts of inaugural addresses by B. Obama the study determines diverse part-of-speech representation
of quantitative lexics. Pragmatic potential of the units with quantitative semantics is being analyzed considering
realization of manipulative strategies in communication



How to Cite

Yehorova О. I., & Zinchenko A. V. (2020). Yehorova О. I., Zinchenko A. V. Linguopragmatic quantitative actualization in the texts of political discourse (based on the inaugural adresses by B. Оbama). Philological Treatises, 5(2), 32–37. Retrieved from