Morozenko O. О. Evaluative adjectives as means of verbalization of the concept "character"


  • Morozenko O. О. Donetsk National University


concept, evaluation, evaluative adjectives, semantic criterion.


The paper deals with the analysis of the concept CHARACTER. The concept under discussion is considered to
be one of the core values in the consciouness of representatives of different linguistic communities. The paper
gives a survey of evaluative adjectives in English, which represent the concept CHARACTER. The results of the
research clearly show that the core of the concept CHARACTER is represented by evaluative adjectives with
negative meaning while the periphery of the concept under discussion represents positive features of character.



How to Cite

Morozenko O. О. (2020). Morozenko O. О. Evaluative adjectives as means of verbalization of the concept "character". Philological Treatises, 5(3), 61–68. Retrieved from