Reshytko A. Analysis of Lexical-semantic and Stylistic Devices of Fairy Tales by Oscar Wilde




Key words: fairy tale, lexical-semantic and stylistic devices, epithet, metaphor, translation, language.


The problem of studying the language world is closely connected with the problem of conceptual picture of the world, reflecting the specificity of man and his life, his relationships and the world, the conditions of its existence. Ukrainian and English tales differ in certain national characteristics, and especially - the specifics in terms of disclosure of national character, which is shown on the conceptual level.

Tales of Oscar Wilde on the structural and semantic content are different from the folk tale. They are more vivid, emotional and written by wonderful literary and artistic language. Word of Oscar Wilde consists of three aspects of connotation: emotional, expressive and evaluative. All three components are linked: each word has a definite assessment of the writer and at the same time it is emotional, figurative and expressive.

 Lexical structure of fairy tales of Oscar Wilde is quite diverse. First, it is associated with a variety of the pieces of Irish writer. Very often in a fairy tale there are different historical layers, different cultures, beliefs and customs that can not affect the language of work.

 In fairy tales Wilde contains a rich arsenal of figurative-expressive means. First of all, the Irish writer is a great master of insult, which is based on metaphor. In the most common metaphor stylistic expressive means in tales of O.Wilde are: personification, comparison, epithet, the irony. There they can find examples of hyperbole, metonymy and pun even though these examples are few.Considered in this paper expressive stylistic means is a sign of personal style of Oscar Wilde and help distinguish his artistic creations of works of other authors.

 Touching upon the problem of translation of Wilde fairy tales in Ukrainian language, we concluded that the most difficult problem is the problem of the ownership style. Comparing translations of some of his tales from the original text, we concluded that many of them are pronounced with Ukrainian national characteristics, which finds expression in selected translators vocabulary and idioms. While at the same time there are very good candidates who translate some of his tales, which were noted by us in this work.

Another, equally important problem is the translation of metaphor and third person singular pronouns he and she. We conclude that most translators do not take into account the fact that Oscar Wilde gave his heroes masculine or feminine, arising from the content of what he put in his work We managed to prove that the full "untranslated things" in this case does not exist, although there is no single recipe translation, which managed to save the family tale character. Each case is individual and requires not only knowledge of the specifics, but the outlook of the writer.



How to Cite

Reshytko A. D. (2020). Reshytko A. Analysis of Lexical-semantic and Stylistic Devices of Fairy Tales by Oscar Wilde. Philological Treatises, 11(2), 69–79.