Shabinskyі N. Principles and mechanisms of including new vocabulary into French formal language


  • Shabinskyі N. Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University


commission, neologism, translation, dictionary, standardization, term, terminology, French Academy, francophonie.


The research is devoted to the laws and principles of including into the dictionaries of French formal
language of new vocabulary, in general, and terms from different spheres of social activity, in particular. The
legislative basis, which standardizes the word formation issues, is given and the leading institutions and
organizations in French Republic, which play the main role in this process, are named.



How to Cite

Shabinskyі N. (2020). Shabinskyі N. Principles and mechanisms of including new vocabulary into French formal language. Philological Treatises, 5(4), 72–76. Retrieved from