Logvinenko Y. Mykola Rudenko's military lyrics in the context of the totalitarian literature of the XXth century


  • Logvinenko Y. Sumy Regional Institute of Postgraduate Teacher Education


humanism, war, military lyrics, poet, totalitarian country.


This research proves that Mykola Rudenko's creativity is an important component of the Ukrainian literary
discourse, which provides possibility of the establishment of truth, comprehension of the objective maintenance of
history, and contemporary influence over the Ukrainian civil society. The drama of lonely opposition to the state
system of Mykola Rudenko: the poet, the writer, and the public figure – a rare case in Ukrainian literary and
cultural life of the XXth century of upholding truth at any cost, a case of the intellectual drama.
The study of a poet and a public figure Mykola Rudenko’s military lyrics opens a constructing method of
military myth in totalitarian literature



How to Cite

Logvinenko Y. (2020). Logvinenko Y. Mykola Rudenko’s military lyrics in the context of the totalitarian literature of the XXth century. Philological Treatises, 6(3), 11–17. Retrieved from https://tractatus.sumdu.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/392