Yenikyeyeva S. M., Yenikyeyev D. S. New nominations of uk city life realities: sociolingual and word-building aspects


  • Yenikyeyeva S. M. Zaporizhzhya National University
  • Yenikyeyev D. S. Zaporizhzhya National University


nomination, urban reality, sociolinguistic factors, word-building.


The article deals with the sociolinguistic factors and word-building peculiarities of UK urban realities
nominations. The article highlights the role of social factors, including Information revolution of the late XX -
early XXI c., that influenced the enrichment and development of the English urban dictionary. Word-formation
analysis of relevant lexical units has provided determination of ways and means of forming new British English
urban lexicon.



How to Cite

Yenikyeyeva S. M., & Yenikyeyev D. S. (2020). Yenikyeyeva S. M., Yenikyeyev D. S. New nominations of uk city life realities: sociolingual and word-building aspects. Philological Treatises, 8(2), 94–108. Retrieved from