Mykhailyn I. L. Rebel against nonsense, or Camus’ answer to requests of mass society
Camus, rebellion, revolution, awakening, leap.Abstract
A. Camus defined a social crisis in journalism ("Myth of Sisyphus", "Rebellious people") by the concept of an
absurd. In his artistic works ("The Plague") he symbolized it in the form of epidemic infectious disease. He
understood a crisis as a human helplessness before an onslaught of mass public events, an inability to understand
and manage. The writer subdivided people into two categories: the executioners and the victims. But salvation will
come from the people, "the third category", which will raise a rebellion in defense of the underprivileged. On
Camus’ opinion, riot is opposed the revolution. Revolution breaks; riot creates. Riot is based on the principles of
solidarity, dialogue, freedom and happiness. Executioners and victims are the exceptions, the insurgents are the
rule. When exceptions will die out the rule will be realized and the rebels will take place in the community center.
A rebel can become anyone who awakened the conscience, consciousness. The awakening of consciousness takes
place according to the rule: "One day, I thought". Individuals, prone to rebellion and saving humanity from the
coming crisis, always appear in society.