Bilousenko P., Sablina S. Suffix -a(ba) in the Ukrainian language of the xi-xiii centuries
suffix -а(ва), semantically-derivative type, verbal nouns, substantive, Proto-Slavic language, the Ukrainian language of the XI-XIII centuriesAbstract
The article deals with the issues of history, structural-semantic and word-building features of derivative
nouns with the suffix -а(ва). The taxonomy of nouns with suffix -а(ва) is detailed at the stages of the Ukrainian
language history, referred to the Old Ukrainian age. This will help to determine more precisely the time and
conditions when this suffix has finally become recognizable in feminine nouns.
The number and lexical word-formative specificity of reconstructed Proto-Slavic derivatives with the suffix -
а(ва) demonstrate the ability of this formant to be combined with verbal and nominal stems. The lexical wordformative nature of the Proto-Slavic derivatives with the suffix -а(ва) differs in semantic and word-building, that
confirms the fact of its polyfunctionality. It is established that in the Proto-Slavic language in a chain of verbal
and nominalizing derivatives, there is a clear tendency of forming the functions of the formant -а(ва): the
production of collective nouns and abstract verbal nominations. Suffix -а(ва) was referred to moderately
productive formants in the Proto-Slavic language.
In the Ukrainian language of the XI-XIII centuries the ability of the suffix -а(ва) to form feminine nouns from
verbal and nominal stems is supported. In verbal word-formation this suffix primarily created abstract nouns for
the designation of the objectified action, process, but also was used in formation of verbal nouns with a specific
meaning. Particular Proto-Slavic verbal derivatives with denotative meaning were found in later than the 11th13th centuries monuments, so these derivatives, obviously, functioned during the period studied. Substantive
lexical word-formative types with the mentioned formant are heterogeneous (names of objects, names of persons),
but there is a tendency to consolidate the identifying function of this suffix – the formation of collective nouns.
The small number of new derivatives with -а(ва) in the monuments of the Ukrainian language of the XI-XIII
centuries proves that the peak of productivity of this formant has not been reached yet, and the subsystem of
derivative nouns with the suffix -а(ва) has undergone slight changes in terms of semantically-derivative specificity
in comparison with the Proto-Slavic period.