Chernysh A. Destructive forms of reception posttotalitarian discourse in thenovel of S. Protsiuk «Infection»


  • Chernysh A. Сумский государственный педагогический университет им. А. С. Макаренкo


destruction, trauma, posttotalitarian discourse, psychological traumatic situation, the locus of the city.


The article is devoted to the identification of destructive forms of perceiving the world by the
characters of the novel S. Protsiuk «Infection», a mental formation which occurred in the Soviet and
postsoviet periods. The article is dedicated to the mental problems of development of posttotalitarian
reality, marked by posttotalitarian trauma, the experience of the eradication of the colonial ideology,
the change of moral and cultural imperatives that define the nature of the psychological formation of
identity and self-presentation of the characters in the novel. The article reveals psychological causes
of destructive behavior of the characters, as well as forms of reception and assimilation of
posttotalitarian discourse. Reveals the locus of Kyiv city as a space of opportunism, immorality,
immorality that destructure mental nature of most of the characters.



How to Cite

Chernysh A. (2020). Chernysh A. Destructive forms of reception posttotalitarian discourse in thenovel of S. Protsiuk «Infection». Philological Treatises, 9(2), 164–170. Retrieved from