Vashyst K. M., Katerynina M.V. Pragmatic features of shortenings and blend words in advertising


  • Vashyst K. M. Sumy State University
  • Katerynina M.V. Sumy State University


blend word, shortening, pragmeme, advertising text.


In this article the functioning of shortenings and blend words in advertising texts is examined, their structural and semantic features are under analysis. On the material of advertising banners posted in English online resources, the use of shortenings and blend words are studied, their pragmatic status in advertising texts is investigated, their lingual functions are defined. There is less verbal and more audio and visual elements used in modern advertising, the choice of lexical units for an ad text should be carefully deliberated. The ad uses a variety of language tools, and besides being short and expressive, they must also transmit large amounts of information. That is why advertising communication occurs mostly on implicit cognitive level. The main factor that promotes spreading of shortenings and blend words in advertising texts is their high linguopragmatic potential. Due to their unusual word-formative functions shortenings and blend words meet the language needs of society, which cannot be realized by other means of word-building - affixation, word composition, etc.



How to Cite

Vashyst K. M., & Katerynina M.V. (2020). Vashyst K. M., Katerynina M.V. Pragmatic features of shortenings and blend words in advertising . Philological Treatises, 9(1), 14–21. Retrieved from