Kovalova Тetiana, Voropai Svitlana. The content characteristics of the author's personality in the work of Maxim Kidruk "Love and piranhas".
Travel log, content, author's characteristics, adventure novel, hero-adventurer.Abstract
The article considers the image of the author as a hero of mass adventure literature. Maksym Kidru's book "Love and Piranhas" is performed in the genre of travel log, which synthesizes the features of the guidebook, travel essay and adventure novel-travel log. On the example of the book "Love and Piranhas" the content characteristics of the author's personality were determined, and, accordingly, it was identified that the author of travel essay journalism can appear in several roles - as a writer, a hero-adventurer of an adventure novel, a publicist-researcher, and an author of the guidebook. This is proved by the methods for understanding reality presented in the text, which are characteristic of each of the images mentioned above. It is proved that the objectivity of scientific data in the text is combined with the subjectivity of the author's thoughts and reflections regarding what he saw and heard during the journey. It is determined that the author actively uses the means of emotionally and expressive influence on the recipient skillfully combines an adventurous narrative with a scientific journalistic statement, successfully synthesizing a variety of content. In Maksym Kidru's book "Love and Piranhas", the writer-publicist took as a basis a real journey; the real events and facts given in the book are represented by various literary techniques. An analysis of plotting the book "Love and Piranhas", which balances on the edge of documentary and artistic prose, has allowed to distinguish the risky-adventure component of the travel log and to determine the personality of the author at the same time as the hero and the author of an adventure travel novel. Thus, it established the legitimacy of the classification of the central character as the hero of the novel of one of the leading genres of mass communication.