

product labeling, semiotics, multimodality, brand packaging, semiotic resources, multimodal texts


This article examines the diversity of multimodality, that is, how different sign modes interact in texts. It highlights the importance of understanding the relationship between different modes of symbolic communication, especially in creating a connection between words and images. It examines how semiotics is closely related to visual communication and how it helps convey messages and engage the attention of an audience. The article also considers the extension of semiotics beyond language and the importance of studying sign processes in a multimodal context. It outlines various theoretical approaches and concepts that help to understand the interaction of different types of signs. Semiotics plays an important role in product labeling, where words and images are combined to convey meanings to consumers. Its importance in marketing strategies and understanding consumer behavior is also emphasized.


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How to Cite

Lukianova, Y. (2024). SEMIOTICS OF PRODUCT LABELING. Philological Treatises, 16(1), 132–140. Retrieved from