translation strategies, translation methods, heading, functions of headingsAbstract
The peculiarities of translating titles of British novels are an extremely interesting area of research for linguists, given the influence of British literature and its importance for the formation and development of world culture. It is important to analyze the translation of book titles, because they create the first impression on the reader and play a decisive role in whether he or she will be interested in the book or not. The article is devoted to the study of strategies and methods of translating titles of novels in English-language British literature. In the work, we found that when translating titles, linguists use such translation transformations as literal translation, transliteration, addition, deletion, simplification, title replacement, specification, and generalization. We analyzed the evolution of translation strategies, namely the cultural context, marketing and publishing strategies, historical context, and personal style of the translator, which have a significant impact on translation decisions. We also defined the term “title” as the first sign of the text, which gives the reader an idea of the book, and also has the greatest impact on the initial understanding of the text and becomes the first step towards its interpretation. In addition, we found out that the main difficulties in translating titles of British novels are that the translator is faced with the fact that he or she has to convey the idea of the original English-language title, take into account the cultural environment, and also interest the reader at the same time. In the context of translating British titles, it is also worth noting that the translator often has to reflect the author's style or wordplay, and for this he or she needs to have background knowledge in many fields, experience, and the ability to choose a Ukrainian equivalent to convey the essence of the book to the reader in the way the author would have wanted it to be done.References
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