Svitlana Shvachko. Dimensional measuring of metasigns in the english and ukrainian discourses.




lacunicon, dimension, lexicon, problem of Nothing, the English and Ukrainian languages, ontognoseological analysis.


The subject matter of the article in question is the measuring of metasings in the English and Ukrainian discourses. Topicality of the theme is valid due to its novelty and methodological background. The basic idea consists in the thesis: conceptualization is the forefront of categorization. Methods are determined by the ontology of referents and addresants’ intensions. The problem of nothingness is considered in the vein of cognitive approach which gives the birth to the would be referents. Idea of Nothing is being treated as a triad of approaches – philosophic, linguistic, cognitive attributes. Unrecognized things aren’t verbalized. They aren’t linguocognitively dealt with. Recognized and semantically charged, delacunized units are valid semiotic signs in the dimension of semes without lexemes. The phenomenon of communicative silence, its role and ways of exteriorization in written speech are being investigated on the basis of English and Ukrainian literary discourses. Tropic relevant means of object’s exteriorization are distinguished. Attention is being focused on situational semantization of nonverbal aspects. Properties of the object are being analyzed in the lexicographic experiment. This paper verifies the taxonomy of active and marginal synsets. The statistic data are objectivized by the dimension validity. The abstract notions are being explained properly by basic metasigns. Their terminological paradigm mirrors the macrosystem of language. The latter is highly anthropocentric including author’s intentions – to help people, to comfort them and make a hard blow on them or destroy them.



How to Cite

Svitlana Shvachko. (2020). Svitlana Shvachko. Dimensional measuring of metasigns in the english and ukrainian discourses. Philological Treatises, 10(3), 53–58.