

migrant working, national character, novel, hero's identity, postcolonial consciousness, narrator, novel


The article clarifies the specifics of the artistic representation of the image of a migrant worker in the novel "Adventuresses on the Green Grass" by a modern writer V. Nesterchuk. It is noted that the work is based on real facts of the author's life, her experience of staying and her feelings in the foreign land, in the Czech Republic, where the main character, Ukrainian Nika, a certified seamstress, has gone to work and hopped to return soon. Narrator contributes a multifaceted presentation of the material, increases the level of confidence in the presented material, and helps to get deeper into the complex world of the character's experiences, explain the logic of her thinking and actions, and understand her determination and conviction in borderline situations. Intertextual constructions, irony, humor, clear architectonics of the work, as well as images of her mother, trip down memory lane, confessional components of the novel, etc. these all form a complete and quite diverse image of the main character Nicka. The protagonist Nicka partially received from her mother stoicism, patience, and endurance; such a conclusion we can make from the subtextual platform, which is built around the image of a mother who has been a political prisoner in her youth. In such a way the author not only tells us about the problem of parents and children in the work, but also she decodes the basic manner of the main character. The artistically presented postcolonial context helps us to identify and explain the cause-and-effect constructions, which have been designed for the concept of characters, perception of narrative strategy, and understanding of the thematic and problematic aspect and genre specificity of the novel.


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How to Cite

Horbolis, . L. (2022). THЕ IMAGE OF A MIGRANT WORKER IN THE NOVEL «ADVENTURESSES ON THE GREEN GRASS» BY VIRA NESTERCHUK. Philological Treatises, 14(2), 30–36. Retrieved from