French language, phonetics, phonology, articulation, competence, consciousness, communicative approachAbstract
The article deals with the formation of philology students’ phonetic skills of the modern French language. The purpose of the research is to analyze the processes of mastering the basics of the French language which are closely related to mastering of its phonetic and phonemic levels, because the correct articulation of sounds and the prosodic arrangement of speech, as well as the full perception of foreign speech in phonetic terms, ensure the implementation of one of the main functions of the language, the communicative one. Applying the theoretical and methodological bases of analysis and synthesis, informational, historical, structural approaches, deductive and inductive methods, the analysis of the formation of the student’s communicative competence is proposed, taking into account the modern phonetic features of the French language which necessarily includes information about the features of various types of language communication. The components of phonetic skills are considered. The practical experience of teaching phonetics is analyzed. It proves the need for a combined approach to the study of French sounds, their articulation, pronunciation, accentuation and listening. It was found that mastering phonetic and phonemic level of French language at the initial stage of learning is a priority. It is proven that the success of students’ formation of phonetic competence depends on the level of phonetic skills, the acquired knowledge about the phonetics of the language and the dynamic interaction of these components based on common linguistic and phonetic consciousness.References
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