
  • Halyna Chulanova Sumy State University
  • Diana Lysenko


fantasy, description, description category, portrait description, image of the hero, pragmatic adaptation, translation transformations., фентезі, опис, категорія опису, портретна характеристика, образ героя, прагматична адаптація, перекладацькі трансформації.


The article explores the characteristic categories of character descriptions that reveal the psychological and emotional properties of fantasy characters, their temperament, moral and ethical qualities and translation grammatical transformations used by translators to adapt works. The translation of fiction, with its descriptions and plots, is becoming quite popular and attracts the modern reader with individual features of this genre. Translators mostly use such translation transformations as the use of various paths, stylistic figures, eloquent names, means of phonetic and syntactic expression, word-formation possibilities, etc. Each translator brings his own literary approach to translation and uses his favorite techniques. In fantasy works, not only the portrait characteristics of the heroes are successfully conveyed, but also the descriptions of nature, fantastic objects, clothes, food, etc. The psycho-emotional state of the hero is also successfully depicted in comparison with natural phenomena and subject features that immerse the reader in the adventure world. Such features of translation interested us in the research and prompted a comparative analysis of the original and the translation.


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How to Cite

Chulanova , H., & Lysenko , D. (2022). CATEGORIES OF DESCRIPTIONS IN TERRY PRATCHETT’S NOVEL "THE WEE FREE MEN". Philological Treatises, 14(1), 159–166. Retrieved from