

hypertextuality, hypertext, hyperlinks, dictionary entry, Internet discourse.


The scientific article deals with analyzing hypertextuality as a characteristic feature of the modern English dictionary Internet discourse. It highlights the prerequisites of hypertextuality and its importance in modern linguistics, in particular in the aspect of e-dictionary compilation. It determines the idea of the concept and outlines the approaches to its interpretation. Moreover, the research analysis the approaches to define hypertext. In addition, it focuses on its distinctive characteristics. They include non-hierarchy, cohesive closedness, nonlinearity, potentiality, multimedia, multilinearity, openness, heterogeneity, and multiplicity of virtual structures. The article considers the types of hypertext systems (bibliographic, analytical, reference, experimental). It establishes that such advantages of hypertext as adaptability, the possibility of fast publicity and distribution, and economy determine the superiority of virtual text over the traditional one. The investigation studies the typology of hypertexts (dynamic, statistical, hierarchical, grid). It outlines the importance of hypertextuality in electronic dictionary compilation. It emphasizes the significance of hypertext technologies to systematize information effectively based on solid internal connections, both text, and illustrations, graphics, photographs, drawings, audio, and video, which help readers better understand information. The article proves that in developing a global structure of relationships between information blocks, it is necessary to consider possible connections both within the electronic dictionary and with external information resources. It characterizes the types of hyperlinks (local, global) and considers their role in a dictionary entry. Finally, it proves that an electronic dictionary is essentially hypertext. After all, the hypertext system of electronic dictionaries allows effective presentation of material in a combination of text, tables, graphs, diagrams, illustrations, animations, audio, and video materials, as well as the use of information modeling and navigation. The prospect of further scientific research lies in the detailed analysis of dictionary entry distinctive features.


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How to Cite

Chernysh, O. (2022). HYPERTEXTUALITY AS A DISTINCTIVE FEATURE OF MODERN ENGLISH DICTIONARY INTERNET DISCOURSE. Philological Treatises, 14(1), 144–151. Retrieved from https://tractatus.sumdu.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/1031