H. Kalantaievska, N. Prokopenko. The symbolics of female’s images in l. Staritska-Chernyakhivska’s dramas "Hetman Doroshenko" and "Ivan Mazepa".


  • H. Kalantaievska Sumy State University
  • N. Prokopenko Sumy State University




dominant traits of character, value priorities, female types, mental qualities.


The features and values of the symbolics of female’s images in L. Staritska-Chernyakhivska's drama "Hetman Doroshenko" and "Ivan Mazepa" are investigated, the dominant traits of character, the mental qualities of the person having a large, and sometimes decisive emotional and psychological impact on personal destiny and political and military activities of exceptional hetmans in the Ukrainian history, who rebelled against Moscow tyranny, are found out. The article also focuses on the best quality of national character of Ukrainian women, in particular, on the love of freedom, the sense of dignity, the faithfulness to the husband’s business, the selflessness in the name of the homeland. However, it is emphasized in the research that some of the heroines of the compositions are inherent such shameful features as frivolity, selfishness, deceit, etc. in conditions of struggle for the will of the native people. The article argues that women's virtue and patriotism, next to men's military prowess, play an important role in the victory over the oppressors of Ukraine.



How to Cite

H. Kalantaievska, & N. Prokopenko. (2020). H. Kalantaievska, N. Prokopenko. The symbolics of female’s images in l. Staritska-Chernyakhivska’s dramas "Hetman Doroshenko" and "Ivan Mazepa". Philological Treatises, 10(2), 138–149. https://doi.org/10.21272/https://doi.org/10.21272/ Ftrk.2018.10(2)-19