

theory of literature, theory of a literary work, literary education, Jose Ortega y Gasset, principle of economy in education, receptive poetics.


In the context of the intensive growth of an array of scientific information, the need for optimization of the content of learning matter according to Jose Ortega y Gasset’s “principle of economy in education” at tertiary level is emphasized. Higher school suffers from excessive extra disciplines, and the process of their integration, which should be built on the principle of perceiving essential competencies for each discipline, is not sufficiently active. The main purpose of the research is to substantiate the internal transformation of the theory of literature as the core subject for higher literary education on the principle of “economy in education”. The renewal of the theory of literature as a subject on the principle of economy in high education is directly dependent on the process of adding it to a separate main section of the systematic theory of literature. It improves the basic competence of the future literature teachers – the knowledge and skills necessary for the analysis and interpretation of an artistic text. The systemological theory of a literary work is endowed with an extremely important ability to integrate in itself all the developments in the field of academic literary studies, that relate to the knowledge of the phenomenon of artistry. And this ability to integrate is an extremely important factor that determines the effectiveness of the usage of the principle of economy in literary education.


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How to Cite

Klochek , H. (2022). PROBLEMS OF MODERN TRANSFORMATION OF THE THEORY OF LITERATURE AS AN ACADEMIC DISCIPLINE. Philological Treatises, 14(1), 47–58. Retrieved from