

Pragmalingual means, manipulative technologies, disinformation/misinformation, fake news, mass media, resilience of the society.


. The article is devoted to the study of the fake news functional features. The main task of fake news is to falsify real news, which leads to the spread of disinformation/misinformation, which has negative consequences for society. One of the key aspects of fake news is the use of a wide range of pragmalinguistic means to convince recipients of the truth of the information The relevance of the research is based on the fact that fake news is a serious problem of modern society in the period of intensifying information war and manipulative technologies. The methodological basis of the research is the use of semantic-cognitive and discursive approaches to the study of the conceptual content of "fake" (through the lexicographic method, that is the dictionary definition, which extrapolates the semantic load of tht given lexical unit to discursive study); as well as to the study of linguistic means of implementing a fake in news media texts through various types of linguistic analysis (contextual, semantic-syntactic, stylistic, etc). The findings of the study of the fake news pragmalinguistic nature show that linguistic means are able to coordinate manipulation goals through the implementation of emotional arguments, a sense of urgency and significance of the message, the use of a quasi-explicit source of information, decorating it with stylistically colored lexical units for additional attraction of the audience. Comprehending the functioning of these linguistic processes is critical to effective fighting of fake news. increasing the resilience of society.


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How to Cite

Medvid, O., Klochko, O., & Stetsenko, O. (2024). IMPLEMENTATION OF PRAGMALINGUAL TOOLS FOR MANIPULATIVE FAKE NEWS STRATEGIES REALIZATION (on the materials of English Internet media). Philological Treatises, 16(2), 86–102. Retrieved from

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