

The article considers the problem of language development, in particular its lexical layer. The rapid development of all areas of modern human life is reflected in the language, the evolution of lexis is not just a change in the vocabulary. The authors study the modern paradigms of neology in terms of a functional approach to language, analyze the factors of the appearance of new words and correlate them with the pragmatic needs of society as a whole and of different social groups in particular. The article presents the pricipal nominative types and models of English-language neologisms over the past decades. Some factors contributing to the replenishment of the English lexical layer regarding the sociolinguistic aspect are given. Social spheres significantly influence the appearance of new words because they shape a person's attitude to the realities of the linguistic picture of the world. The relevance of this research is determined by the insufficient study of the processes of lexical formation, in particular neological units, which are intensively occurring at the current stage of society globalization and require an analysis of the ways of formation and definition of critical concepts that cause the need for the functioning of innovative non-standard, both structurally and semantically, lexical units in the modern English language, in particular their systematization and classification. The scientific novelty of the study consists in developing the theory of neology through the classification of borrowings as a particular group of neologisms, systemizing means of their penetration, and adaptation in the modern English language. The goal of the research is to study the sociolinguistic role of neologisms in the modern English language, to determine their functional and semantic features and ways of speech adaptation, of neologisms-borrowings in particular. The research methodology is based on the functional-semantic approach and is complex in nature using structural-semantic and sociolinguistic analyses, allowing to identify the most successful and popular universal methods and techniques for creating neologisms; the study also relies on the principles of systematization and classification, which helps to organize empirical material and contributes to a more thorough study of the process of neologization of English-language discourse as the basis of interlanguage communication in the world today.


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How to Cite

Medvid , O., Malovana , N., & Vashyst , K. (2022). WAYS OF GENERATING NEOLOGISMS IN MODERN ENGLISH. Philological Treatises, 14(2), 73–84. Retrieved from http://tractatus.sumdu.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/1043