

political discourse, political news, linguistic stylistic means, emphatics, linguopragmatic manipulation.


Political discourse is inherently related to the politics of power, which determines its linguistic features. It uses both logical reasoning and manipulative means. The discourse of the political news text, which is the subject of the study, is characterized by increased expressiveness and pragmatics of its influence. Political language is the resource open to all members of the language community, in particular through the media, which is correlated with the specific use of stylistic language means to persuade and manipulate the audience. The goal of this research is the linguistic-pragmatic study of political news texts as a form of political discourse through a comprehensive analysis of stylistic emphatic means. To solve the formulated goal, this paper uses a comprehensive method of research that combines methods of modern pragmastylistics, namely: analysis of political discourse in general, analysis of specific political texts, contextual, stylistic, pragmatic, structural-semantic, and lexical-semantic types of analysis. The continuous sampling method was used to select the material under consideration. The authors of the study attempted to analyze and substantiate the pragmatic expediency of using stylistic means of emphatics in political news texts. In particular, the article considers the peculiarities of emphatic expression at the syntactic and lexical levels. It determines that in political news texts at the syntactic level emphatics is mostly expressed through passive constructions, parceling, parallelism, plug-in syntactic structures, rhetorical questions, etc.; at the lexical level – using vocabulary with positive and negative connotations and metaphorization, for which the authors of the news reports – journalists – are “responsible”.


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How to Cite

Medvid, O., Horobets , M., & Serhienko , A. (2022). EMPHATIC MEANS IN THE TEXTS OF POLITICAL NEWS (based on CNN). Philological Treatises, 14(1), 91–102. Retrieved from http://tractatus.sumdu.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/1026