

ecology, ecology of speech, sustainability, energy ecology of words, negatively colored vocabulary.


The article reveals the meaning of the concept of "sustainability" as one of the components of speech culture. The importance of cultural ecological speech and the correct use of lexical norms is understood. The application of a complex research methodology, the basis of which is statistical analysis, elements of descriptive and structural methods, which is due to the richness of the material involved in the research, which is designed to serve to achieve a deeper disclosure of the topic, contributed to the clarification of how words and actions affect the work of the brain and the physiological state people, how harmful an aggressive environment and toxic, negatively colored words are for the brain. The most used words and expressions with a negative meaning by today's youth became the empirical material of the study. Their meaning and origin, appropriateness of use in communication is clarified. The main principles of avoiding destructive vocabulary in speech are outlined.


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How to Cite

Bondarenko, O., Sydorenko , O., & Bondarenko , Y. (2023). SUSTAINABILITY AS A COMPONENT OF SPEECH CULTURE OF THE MODERN UKRAINIAN. Philological Treatises, 15(2), 17–25. Retrieved from