

semantic-textual research, legal terminology, linguistic expertise


The article provides a lexical interpretation of the legal concepts of "justification of armed aggression", "recognition of armed aggression as legitimate" and "denial of armed aggression", an example of a semantic-textual study of a media message using linguistic interpretation of legal terms is given. The proposed model of practical application of linguistic interpretation of legal terms in solving the tasks of semantic-textual examination of speech is determined by the stages of semantic-textual research of controversial texts: 1) interpretation of legal terminexemes by means of semantic analysis of their components; 2) establishing the objective content of statements by means of lexical-semantic and conceptual-content analysis, followed by establishing the semantic correlation of the content of the statement and the lexical interpretation of legal concepts; 3) determination of the actual meaning of the key words of the message through the application of the contextual-interpretive method, which makes it possible to expand the conceptual content of the studied phenomena; 4) establishing key words, logical-grammatical connections within the communicative act, means of inter-phrase communication in the text of the message to determine cause-and-effect relationships in the objective content of the message as an argument for the legality of armed aggression.


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How to Cite

Sydorenko, O., Bondarenko, O., & Sypchenko, I. (2023). LINGUISTIC INTERPRETATION OF LEGAL TERMINOLOGY IN SEMANTIC-TEXTUAL RESEARCH. Philological Treatises, 14(2), 105–115. Retrieved from