Dudchenko M. M. Micro and macrosemantics and logical compatibility of metaphorical images in translation


  • Dudchenko M. M. Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko


mistakes, the change of stylistic nature of metaphors, lack of correspondence of images, incompatibility of the components of metaphorical image.


The article deals with the analyses of mistakes in reproducing metaphorical images of the English poetry in
Ukrainian poetic translations. Among these mistakes are the change of stylistic nature of metaphors, lack of
correspondence of images with micro and macrosemantics of the context of the work, logical incompatibility of the
components of metaphorical image, complications of images which cause difficulties for their comprehension.



How to Cite

Dudchenko M. M. (2020). Dudchenko M. M. Micro and macrosemantics and logical compatibility of metaphorical images in translation . Philological Treatises, 2(1), 106–115. Retrieved from http://tractatus.sumdu.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/785