Leshchenko O. I. Linguocreative activity of the narrator in belles–lettres texts


  • Leshchenko O. I. Sumy State University


anthropocentric, principle, linguocreative, activity, narrator, verbal means, text neologisms.


The article deals with realization of the anthropocentric principle in the folklore discourse. The author
focuses on the linguocreative activity of the narrator as one of the fairy–tale’s anthropocentric epicenters,
permeating the text. Peculiarities of the narrator’s linguocreative activity in terms of the English fairy–tale are
explicated; ways and means of its representation within the texts are analysed.



How to Cite

Leshchenko O. I. (2020). Leshchenko O. I. Linguocreative activity of the narrator in belles–lettres texts . Philological Treatises, 2(3), 68–73. Retrieved from http://tractatus.sumdu.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/724