

Art, aestheticism, morality, Oscar Wilde, Dorian Gray, portrait, ethics, symbolism, aesthetic pleasure.


The article under consideration presents the perspective of hypertrophied self-reflection of artists, which was realized in the works of representatives of different cultural epochs based on the specifics of the presentation of the concept of “art.” The primary focus is analyzing the peculiarities of interpreting this concept in the novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by the English writer Oscar Wilde, which became the key to realizing the author’s main idea. The modeling of the text of the work takes place through the implementation of this concept, which is a priority in the work. This happens through the portrait. The article suggests that the author’s use of a portrait is not accidental because, in our opinion, a picture is a kind of portal that connects the artist and the person depicted on the canvas, and in the case of the novel – three: the writer, the artist and the person depicted on it. The portrait is the materialization of the concept, and it focuses on all the variants of the specifics of its manifestation. Wilde considers art the highest form of being, as it is both a source of pleasure and destructive power. The focus is on the relationship between aestheticism, morality, and philosophical ideas that determine the behavior of the characters, in particular Dorian Gray. The article also analyses the symbolic role of the portrait, which appears not only as an artistic work but also as a personification of the hero's soul and moral state. The study has shown that the novel's concept of “art” is a key tool for revealing the central conflict between aesthetic pleasure and ethical principles. The main conclusion is that art in the novel is not a neutral category but has the ability to influence a person’s moral choice, emphasizing the inextricable link between beauty and responsibility.


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How to Cite

Khairulina, N., & Dmytrenko, V. (2024). PECULIARITIES OF REPRESENTATION OF THE CONCEPT OF “ART” IN THE NOVEL “THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY” BY O. WILDE. Philological Treatises, 16(2), 61–69. Retrieved from