

Intertextuality, intertext, The Golden House, modern literature, Symbolism, Postmodernism, Identity and hybridity.


This article explores the role of intertextuality as a major semantic element in Salman Rushdie's eleventh novel The Golden House. Intertextuality is one of the key features of modern literature, which has gained great importance in the context of globalization and postmodern approaches of text creation. In the context of the modern cultural environment, which is saturated with various semantic streams, intertextuality acts as a tool for expanding the semantic boundaries of a work and establishing a dialogue between different art forms, stories, and ideas. In the novel The Golden House this is achieved through constant references to literature, mythology, cinema, and politics. This technique allows not only to interpret new meanings but also to establish cultural and historical connections that resonate with contemporary readers. This paper explores how elements of intertextuality function not just as decorative references but as essential components of the story, shaping character and plot development. The main focus is on highlighting intertextuality as a meaningful factor in the novel mainly through the study of connections: with historical events and figures, both past and present(politicians, artists); with cinema (the film The Godfather, the use of cinematic techniques); with literary sources (from the Bible to DC comics). Ultimately, this study highlights the ways in which intertextuality enhances the novel's engagement with modernity, globalism, and the complexity of human experience in an era of cultural fragmentation.


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How to Cite

Chornyi, R. (2024). INTERTEXTUALITY AS A CONTENT-BASED FACTOR IN S. RUSHDIE’S NOVEL "THE GOLDEN HOUSE". Philological Treatises, 16(2), 17–25. Retrieved from